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The Dhammakaya That I Know from Thor Wei Wynn (A Winner in the DIRI Academic Contest 2021)

The Dharmakāya / Dhammakāya That I Know (Thor Wei Wynn)   Abstract In the first part of the article, I provide a general overview of the evolution of the concept […]

Dhammakaya that I Know from Varavuthi Bulakul (A Winner in the DIRI Academic Contest 2021)

Dhammakaya That I Know  (Varavuthi Bulakul, Ph.D.) E-mail: pepe15429@msn.com   Abstract Hearing the word- Dhammakaya, it immediately brought to my mind the image of the Dhammakaya Cetiya- the enormous hemispherical […]

The Dharmakaya that I Know from Kalzang D Bhutia (A Winner in the DIRI Academic Contest 2021)

The Dharmakāya that I Know: The Sacred Habitat of Sikkim as the Dharmakāya Kalzang Dorjee Bhutia, University of California, Los Angeles Abstract For Buddhist communities living in Sikkim, a small […]
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