…uññesaṃ devamanussānaṃ buddho ativirocati yassa tamuttamaṅgādiñāṇaṃ sabbaññutādikaṃ dhammakāyamataṃ buddhaṃ name taṃ lokanāyakaṃ
“I venerate that highest Knowledge beginning with Omniscience etc., the Buddha who is known as the dhammakāya of [whom, who is] the leader of the world.”
imaṃ dhammakāyabuddhalakkaṇaṃ yogāvacarakulaputtena tikkhañānena sabbaññūbuddhabhāvaṃ patthantena punappunaṃ anussaritabbaṃ
“This Buddha’s characteristic is the dhammakāya. [This] should be remembered again and again by a noble man of a good family, practicing spiritual exercise, possessing a sharp Knowledge and aspiring for becoming the Omniscience Buddha.”
The text indicates the dhammakāya is a “sublime body” of the Buddha, not a collection of the Buddha teaching and when the meditation practitioners recall/visualise the dhammakāya, it leads to the attainment of the Buddhahood.